
I think I’ve found somewhere to live at last! It’s near Golden Gate park, has polished wooden floors, two dogs and a cat named Kid. Coolest of all, my housemate-to-be is a chef and I’ve got some things in common with him like cycling. So I’m set unless it all goes drastically wrong, fingers crossed!

It’s taken some effort though. I’ve been to see several places, all over the city. Some were pleasant and others were somewhat grubbier or a bit far out of town for my liking. And the competition between potential occupants makes it a tad tougher.

The weather has finally turned more wintry. Which means it feels like a rainy April day in England. At higher altitudes in California it’s snowing.

How’s this for irony – I’ve seen more homeless in this place than any other city I’ve visited, yet I’ve not seen a single person selling The Big Issue or an American equivalent. Instead the majority of them hold out pots and pans and somehow it doesn’t seem right.

One Response

  1. Oooo house hunting! Good luck!

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